Activity sub-branches of dynamic consultant engineers of Pars project in the design department of marine structures
- Mining engineering studies and borrowed resources, such as geological survey of the region, evaluation of mines and borrowed resources to supply materials for the construction of marine structures, preparation of service description of tests required to check the quality of borrowed resources and …
- Geotechnical studies include preparation of service description of geotechnical field operations, review and evaluation of results of geotechnical drilling operations, assessment of liquefaction potential within the scope of projects, preparation of bed correction and improvement plan when needed and …
- The design of breakwaters, dykes, jetties and coastal walls, including hydrodynamic and hydraulic calculations required for section design, technical and economic evaluation of various types of breakwater sections, such as rock mass breakwaters with traditional stone armor, platform and concrete, block, caisson and so on. .., examination of all types of armor parts, physical modeling of designed sections and...
- Designing all types of piers and mooring structures, including geometric, structural and stability design studies of all types of piers, such as pile and deck piers, sheet pile, block, caisson, floating, diaphragm wall, etc., design of mooring dolphins, design of accessories Docks such as fenders and bollards and...
- Preparation of executive plans, meters and estimates of all types of marine structures, including breakwaters, dykes, piers and mooring dolphins and …